

In this powerful course you can get energetically cleansed and balanced in the 7 major chakras from the comfort of your own home! This clearing and balancing supports you in living life with more inner peace, joy, and love, and more easily achieving your goals.

This program consists of 7 audio recordings of guided meditations, each of which is almost 1 hour. Each recording focuses on 1 of the 7 major chakras, and is energetically encoded to help heal, clear, balance, and activate that chakra.

This program is a great tool for supporting you in your personal and spiritual development, as you go through life!

Click here to buy now!

Here are some of the things addressed in each guided meditation:

1st (Root) Chakra

  • Feeling unsupported, alone, unloved, or unsafe
  • Feeling unsafe
  • Money blocks for receiving / having money
  • Not feeling grounded or feeling disconnected from the earth
  • Lacking a vision for your life

2nd (Sacral) Chakra

  • Relationship blocks
  • Fears
  • Toxic or painful emotions
  • Sexual blocks
  • Activate creativity
  • Feel more emotionally balanced
  • Attract loving relationships

3rd (Solar Plexus) Chakra

  • Blocks to being in your power
  • Feeling taken advantage of or used
  • Tendency to take on a victim role
  • Low self-confidence
  • Difficulty manifesting desires

4th (Heart) Chakra

  • Blocks to receiving and giving love
  • Over-giving to others
  • Blocks to self-love
  • Feeling worthy and allowing yourself to receive what you desire
  • Trusting love and opening to unconditional love

5th (Throat) Chakra

  • Blocks to communicating your truth
  • Blocks to being seen, and sharing your gifts and talents
  • Blocks to communicating in groups
  • Activate expressing your authentic self and creative self-expression
  • Activate receptive listening, including clairaudience

6th (3rd Eye) Chakra

  • Blocks to listening to, trusting, and following your intuition
  • Having a vision for your life
  • Inability to see the truth in situations
  • Activate your intuition

7th (Crown) Chakra

  • Create a stronger connection with the divine
  • Clear feeling alone or spiritually disconnected
  • Expand ability to meditate
  • Activate feeling at One with Source / the Universe
  • Remember your own divinity
  • Activate feeling spiritually connected and guided in day-to-day life

 Click here to buy now!


“I just wanted to thank you for your Chakra healing sessions – I am so glad I ordered. The meditations are really helpful in working through issues related to each chakra, and it is interesting that after I listen to one, inevitably the next day something comes up that relates to that issue and offers me a new way to think/act. I’m still finishing the last three, but I just wanted to let you know how helpful it is and say thanks” – Eleanor L.

“Thank you for this series. I’ve really enjoyed it…It’s affected me and my clients and family on a deep level. “

“I absolutely love your meditations! They relax me and make me feel more energized.”

“This set of meditations had incredible effects on me. I started sleeping well, became calmer, more peaceful, and felt increase of energy. They definitely helped me release some chakra blockages. Another advantage of these meditations is that they are recorded and can be saved and replayed as needed. I could never find time to go to a meditation class. These recordings were the best solution to my problem.”

“Your  Chakra Clearing & Balancing program was amazing. I can’t believe how much it helped me. I lost my husband unexpectedly and my dad died 9 months prior to that several years ago. I have been dealing with a lot of grief. This is the hardest thing I’ve been through in my life. Your class has definitely helped with this. I feel more centered, grounded and calm.”

“I LOVE it. Thank you.”

Buy now!

Just $77 for all 7 energetically encoded guided meditations!  (That’s only $11 per session!)

This coaching program includes meditations. Please do not drive or operate heavy machinery while listening to this program. Also, this program is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. If you have a medical condition or are struggling emotionally, please see a licensed healthcare provider.